Our paper titled "A 3×3.3 mm Configurable γ Photon Spectrometer for Precision Radioguided Cancer Resection" has been accepted to ISSCC 2025. Congratulations to Rahul and the team!
Richard, Sarah, Chandrahaas, and Joosung join the lab. Welcome! (August 2024)
Our paper "A Wireless, Multicolor Fluorescence Image Sensor Implant for Real-Time Monitoring in Cancer Therapy" has been published in JSSC. Congrats to Micah, Rozhan, and team! (August 2024)
Our paper "A Wireless, Multicolor Fluorescence Image Sensor Implant for Real-Time Monitoring in Cancer Therapy" is now available as a preprint on arXiv. Check it out and stay tuned for the official journal publication! (June 2024)
Congrats to Rahul for a successful demo and presentation our paper "A 76× 55 X-Ray Energy Binning Dosimeter for Closed-Loop Cancer Radiotherapy" at VLSI 2024! (June 2024)
Congrats to Rozhan for graduating! (May 2024)
IEEE Spectrum covered a story about our work Tiny Sensor Aims to Monitor Tumors in Real Time. (April 2024)
Our paper titled "Monolithic Electronic–Biophotonic System-on-Chip for Label-Free Real-Time Molecular Sensing" has been published in TBioCAS! Congrats to Christos and team! (April 2024)
Rahul passed his PhD Qualifying Exam! (Mar 2024)
Our paper titled "Towards A Wireless Image Sensor for Real-Time Fluorescence Microscopy in Cancer Therapy" has been published in TBioCAS! Congrats to Rozhan and team! (Mar 2024).
Rozhan and Micah presented our paper "A Fully Wireless, Miniaturized, Multicolor Fluorescence Image Sensor Impant for Real-Time Monitoring in Cancer Therapy" at ISSCC 2024. Congrats to the team on a successful presentation and demo session! Stay tuned for the journal publication. (Feb 2024)
Our paper titled "Multicolor fluorescence microscopy for surgical guidance using a chip-scale imager with a low-NA fiber optic plate and a multi-bandpass interference filter" is published in Biomedical Optics Express. Congrats Micah and team! (Feb 2024)
Our paper titled "Low cost, high temporal resolution optical fiber-based γ-photon sensor for real-time pre-clinical evaluation of cancer-targeting radiopharmaceuticals" is published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics. Congrats Rahul and team! (Jan 2024)
Our paper titled "SENTRI: Single-Particle Energy Transducer for Radionuclide Injections for Personalized Targeted Radionuclide Cancer Therapy" is published in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics. Congrats KyoungTae and team! (Dec 2023)
Micah passed his PhD Qualifying Exam!! (Dec 2023)
Rozhan received the IEEE SSCS Predoctoral Achievement Award. (Dec 2023)
Abijeet Singh joins the lab as a new postdoc focusing on implantable biosensors for cancer. Welcome! (Dec 2023)
Our paper titled "A Fully Wireless, Miniaturized, Multicolor Fluorescence Image Sensor Implant for Real-Time Monitoring in Cancer Therapy" has been accepted to ISSCC 2024. Come see INSITE as a DEMO session!
Jade and Rozhan are selected as 2024 SSCS Rising Stars. Big Congrats! (11/2023)
Kyoungtae Lee is appointed as an Assistant Professor at DGIST in Korea. (09/2023)
The Anwar Lab is awarded an R01 from the NIH/NCI for nanoparticle imaging. Onward to new discoveries! Read more here. (07/2023)
The Anwar Lab is awarded a DOD IDEA Award for Prostate Cancer - centering on chip-scale single particle radiation sensors for theranostics. (06/2023)
Alec joins the lab. Welcome! (06/2023)
Surin and Jade join the lab. Welcome! (09/2022)
Rozhan received the Apple Ph.D. fellowship in integrated circuits. (03/2022)
2021 and prior
A generous patient and their family donate to establish the Pancreas Cancer Research Fund in the Anwar Lab. Thank you! (12/2021)
Mekhail was awarded the NIH's New Innovator Award (DP2). (10/2020)
Mekhail is promoted to Associate Professor. (07/2020)
Mekhail was awarded the NIH's Trailblazer Award for chip-scale nanoparticle imaging. (02/2019)
Mekhail was awarded the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program Physician Award. (2015)