Sensing From Within
Apply now in EECS at UCB - we are taking new students
and postdocs. See Positions for more information.
and postdocs. See Positions for more information.
Please note: All potential graduate students are highly encouraged to apply to
NSF, NDSEG, and Hertz fellowships, if eligible. All post-docs are encouraged to apply for fellowships.
Our Research
Our lab develops micro-fabricated sensors using computer chip technology to tackle various challenges in cancer therapy. These devices, placed within the body, exponentially increase sensitivity by being just microns from the tumor and provide in vivo detection in real-time, enabling computation and communication, and potential control over the tumor microenvironment, placing the physician and modern-day therapeutic and diagnostic tools within the patient.
Our Lab
Welcome to Anwarlab, where we strive to tackle real-world challenges in cancer therapy - across surgery, radiation, and novel therapeutics like immunotherapy - through a highly multidisciplinary approach. Our team, which consists of physician-scientists, graduate students and post-docs across EECS, Bioengineering, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, at UC Berkeley and UCSF, merges the fields of electrical engineering, electronic-photonic systems, biology and to develop microelectronic sensors that directly interface with the cellular and biochemical world, inside of us.
By combining our knowledge and expertise, we aim to understand the fundamental biological problems and design integrated systems and sensors that evaluate therapy efficacy and cancer progression from inside the body. We are passionate about our research and committed to advancing the field of cancer therapy. Our work is supported across the NSF, DOD, NIH and philanthropy, including the NIH's prestigious DP2 New Innovator Award for implantable imagers (read more here)
We are moving several of these platforms into the clinic over the next 2-3 years. Join us on this adventure!
AnwarLab Github Address
Our paper titled "A 3×3.3 mm Configurable γ Photon Spectrometer for Precision Radioguided Cancer Resection" has been accepted to ISSCC 2025. Congratulations to Rahul and the team!
Richard, Sarah, Chandrahaas, and Joosung join the lab. Welcome! (August 2024)
Our paper "A Wireless, Multicolor Fluorescence Image Sensor Implant for Real-Time Monitoring in Cancer Therapy" has been published in JSSC. Congrats to Micah, Rozhan, and team! (August 2024)
Our paper "A Wireless, Multicolor Fluorescence Image Sensor Implant for Real-Time Monitoring in Cancer Therapy" is now available as a preprint on arXiv. Check it out and stay tuned for the official journal publication! (June 2024)
Congrats to Rahul for a successful demo and presentation our paper "A 76× 55 X-Ray Energy Binning Dosimeter for Closed-Loop Cancer Radiotherapy" at VLSI 2024! (June 2024)